Online Casino Social Media

Social media is another great way to market your online casino business, and is a tool that even successful casino software development companies such as CasinoWebScripts use to market their low-cost and high-quality casino games and software packages. Without social media, a lot of the businesses would not have reached half the level of. Social media is another great way to market your online casino business, and is a tool that even successful casino software development companies such as CasinoWebScripts use to market their low-cost and high-quality casino games and software packages. Without social media. Social media is primary for attracting customers to online casinos which it the basic need for them to exist in the first place. Casinos like Monster casino is using the potential of social media wisely to their benefit and capturing a great market share for themselves.

Social media is one of the most effective ways for casinos to get more customers in their doors, but it takes more than a little luck to succeed in the long run. To get the results you want, you need a social media strategy that will deliver.

Keep reading, and contact us online or at 888-601-5359 to learn more!

Why is social media important for casinos?

Social media gets you in touch with the people who want to become your customers. That means you can talk directly to your potential customers, listen to their suggestions, and address any complaints. It also lets you promote events and your website to your followers who act as a steady customer base.

When you start a social media strategy, you should create accounts on these five major networks:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
  • YouTube

These social media platforms connect you with your audience like never before. You can share news, graphics, videos, blog posts, employee profiles, and more to make your followers feel closer to you. Best of all, it also lets you have a two-way conversation with your customers so you can interact with them directly.

How to use different social networks

Different networks appeal to different audiences. To maximize your returns for your social media strategy, you need to use each different network to its fullest.

1. Facebook

Facebook is the king of social networks. It has billions of users, and almost everyone with an Internet connection has a Facebook profile in the United States.

Facebook works really well for showing people behind-the-scenes views of your casino. It’s also a great way to publicize any company updates, like building additions or upcoming events, and it provides one of the easiest and most intuitive ways to talk to your followers.

Beyond that, you can try posting about different topics to see what kind of posts get the best results. You could try promoting blog posts, running contests, or even asking simple questions, like “what’s your favorite kind of poker?”

Regardless of your choice, you can gauge the success of your posts by the shares, likes, and comments that each one gets. It’s one of the simplest ways to quantify success on social media.

2. Twitter

Twitter is an exceptionally good social network for promoting anything related to your site and talking directly to your customers. Like Facebook, Twitter gives you direct contact with your customer base. Unlike Facebook, you have to be concise, quick, and informative all at the same time.

This makes Twitter a great place for promoting links back to your website for blog posts, scheduled events, and more.

Online Social Casino Games

It’s also perfect for talking to customers who have complaints. You can publicly message them by mentioning them in your tweet, or you can direct message them to talk in private. Either way, you have a chance to solve a customer issue before it turns into a bigger problem.

When you’re measuring success on Twitter, you can look at the number of retweets and favorites that each of your tweets receives. Retweets are great because they get your message out to your followers’ followers, so your audience can increase explosively with every share. Plus, once other Twitter users see those retweets, they can follow you to increase your primary customer base.

3. Instagram

Instagram is all about photos. It’s also one of the most-used social media networks among millennials, who are collectively all old enough to gamble. That means you can appeal to a young audience with a disposable income simply by sharing photos.

You have a ton of potential choices for material on Instagram, including pictures of your facilities, photos of people who win big at your tables, and even short videos. All of this comes together to create a smart, simple way that you can communicate with a young generation of thrill-seeking, fun-loving people — the exact customers you want in your casino.

You can measure Instagram’s success similarly to how to you measure Facebook’s. The number of likes, comments, and shares all reflect the popularity of your post. The more you get, the better you’ve done!

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4. Pinterest

Pinterest is a unique social network in that it’s almost exclusively designed to share graphics. This makes it great for promoting image-based content like infographics and other data-based visuals.

It also works well for promoting content, particularly list-based blog posts. Content like that is the kind of bite-sized, easy-to-read material that thrives on Pinteret’s audience, and it can help you engage new customers that otherwise wouldn’t know about you.

Success on Pinterest is measured by pins and likes. Pins are basically shares, and they work similarly to retweets. Likes just show that people enjoyed what you posted. Both are excellent ways of telling whether or not something you created was successful.

5. YouTube

YouTube is the biggest video-based social network in the world, and it’s a thriving community of content producers and consumers that all interact together.

You can use YouTube to your advantage by showing customer-shot videos of winning, tours of your facilities, or commercial-like videos that encourage people to go to your casino. And while YouTube may have initially had a reputation for low-quality entertainment and production value, that’s no longer the case. If you want to make a good YouTube video, you need to make it right.

You can gauge your success on YouTube by views and subscribers. Views are the number of times people have watched your video, and subscribers are the number of unique accounts that actively follow you for new content. Like the previous social networks, the more you have of them, the better you’ve done.

WebFX knows social media

At WebFX, we have an entire social media team that works with these networks (and more) every day. We know what it takes to get businesses recognized online, and we know how to engage your customers to make them visit your casino.

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Do you want more customers at your tables and slots? Contact us today to create your unique social media strategy!

As an engine for driving customer engagement, referrals and service response, the various social platforms available today allow casinos to reach out to current customers, entice new ones and spread messages virally through the power of social shares. We examine 7 ways that you can use social marketing to draw a winning hand for your casino.

#1: Social Networking

Social media for casino marketing in theory is quite simple—we take your existing content in the form of events, promotions and tournaments and seed it out to the virtual world where the fans do the rest.

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Take, for example, monthly tournaments, drawings or prizes. Outside of email sends and direct mailers, how often have your customers complained that they didn't receive notification of the latest poker bonus codes or announcement to join the Keno Club? With popular social networks such as Facebook and Google+, and micro-sites such as Twitter, you can quickly and easily blast unlimited updates up until the date of the event as reminders to drop by for a visit. Get involved in the conversation!

#2: Event Marketing

Online Casino Social Media Addiction

For many casinos, entertainment and events are a loss leader to bring new players in to experience the casino. While this is true, ticket sales are still a good indicator of ROI on social media. To drive traffic to your ticket vendor’s page, we recommend using targeted landing pages that speak to the event, provide a way to RSVP or let others know you're coming, and buy tickets directly through a simple submission form. If fans have questions about the event, they can quickly call the casino for more information. All this is, of course, tracked and monitored for conversion optimization.

#3: Mobile Marketing

Online Social Media Apps

Speaking of landing pages, in a generation that is continually getting more and more mobile, it is now necessary to consider mobile landing pages and websites in your casino marketing plans. If your website isn't mobile-friendly, you are missing out on 10% of mobile browsers who search for information using their iPhones, Droids and Smartphones.

#4: Promotions

Contests, sweepstakes, giveaways, whatever you want to call it, we can now do it all online. Promotions are powerful ways to grow and engage your audience on Facebook, Twitter and more. It’s a known fact that running a contest or sweepstakes can help struggling brands capture new fans and drive sales. You can even promote user-generated content through photo, video or essay sharing contests! Generate buzz, capture player information and monetize your fans with applications that can be shared across your website, landing pages and social networks.

#5: Blog

Why Blog, you ask? Why not! Think of all the wonderful amenities your casino provides outside of gaming, which can be crafted into Blog-worthy content.

Blogs are a great platform for improving SEO rankings, too. Search engines will attribute importance to certain keywords based on the semantic outline of a webpage’s content, and a blog can be easily engineered to emphasize important keywords to create link bait and to increase referral traffic via authority ranking.

With a blog, you can also write about the latest entertainment news, social entertainment events and general schedule of events for your casino.

#6: Ads

Today’s gamers appreciate marketing that is non-invasive, non-interruptive and valuable to their online experience. Whether that is a fun and timely mobile app, a targeted event or a personalized viral video, the message has to resonate with this audience.

Facebook Ads are a great option to reach this demographic using a quick and easy format that does not crowd their Inbox. You can promote your website, Facebook Page, Event and more to build awareness, drive new business and grow your fan base.

Best of all, Facebook Ads offer highly selective targeting, which you can adjust by testing ad copy, image and branding to find the most effective combinations.

#7: Email Marketing

Direct marketing through email is a quick, efficient and powerful way to communicate openly with your customers. It’s a chance to start a genuine dialog with your target audience with messages that are tailored to his or her own preferences, interests and demographics.

Email also provides the data and analysis possible for refining follow-up sends and prompt different channels of touchpoints depending on whether or not the recipient opened the email in question. You can easily generate top-of-mind awareness, build your casino brand and create a long-lasting relationship with players through email marketing!

Don't just rely on Lady Luck to get business through your doors. Contact us today if you would like a free social media audit to find the right marketing fit for your casino. Play these cards right and and you can score big!